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Job Tears (1oz bag)

Tap on the power of Job's Tears,  great for their protective, healing, prosperity, and luck-bringing properties. These wicked seeds are also known to help in Wish magic. Simply hold them in your hands, chant your wishes, and carry them with you. 

As a protection charm, add Job's Tears, black salt, and Sage into a small baggy and carry it with you, or hang it by your front door to protect your home from negative energy.

For wish magic, write your wish on a piece of paper. Hold the Job’s Tear and focus on your wish, imagining it coming true. Wrap the Job’s Tear in the paper and bury it in the ground, symbolizing the planting of your intentions.

Job's Tears are perfect for enhancing your spells, rituals, charm bags and so much more!

 Add Job’s Tears to your magical toolkit and watch as they help you set your intentions into reality."

Job Tears (1oz bag)

SKU: 00724
Only 6 left in stock

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